2019.05.27【再現監禁與離散: 從殖民監獄與上海隔都談困難襲產在東亞】
[北藝大博班實驗室 2019 系列講座 I] 時空移轉.文化續存
【再現監禁與離散: 從殖民監獄與上海隔都談困難襲產在東亞】
〖Incarceration, Displacement, and Diaspora: On Difficult Heritage in East Asia through Cases of Colonial Prisons and Shanghai Ghetto〗
時間:2019年05月27日(一) 13:30-16:30
地點:國立臺北藝術大學 基進講堂(圖書館3F,入口位於圖書館正門前石階左側。)
│關鍵詞│ 困難襲產、監獄、猶太人、國族主義、襲產外交
美國華盛頓大學建成環境學院博士,現任國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所助理教授。研究領域為城鄉環境規劃設計、依存地景、東亞城市再生比較研究、後殖民文化資產保存與記憶研究、原住民社區災後動遷與重建等。著有《Carescapes of Hong Kong: Two System, One City》(2015)及《Heritage, Memory, and Punishment: Remembering Colonial Prisons in East Asia》 (與Hyun-Kyung Lee 合著,即將出版)等。
Huang, S. (2017). Remembering and Representing Imprisonment for the (Colonial) Present: Cases of Defunct Colonial Prisons in East Asia, In Wilson, Jacqueline Z., Sarah Hodgkinson, Justin Piche and Kevin Walby (Eds.)The Palgrave Handbook of Prison Tourism, Palgrave Macmillan: London. pp. 651-671.
Huang, S. M., & Lee, H. K. (2019). Difficult heritage diplomacy? Re-articulating places of pain and shame as world heritage in northeast Asia. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 25(2), 143-159.
Pan, Lu (2015). Remembering the Pain of “Others”: Reflections on the Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum and Beyond. Writing the War in Asia – a documentary history. http://www.warinasia.com/iris-pan-lu